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Cloud Solutions and IT Consultancy

We architect, deploy and optimise your software, cloud and IT systems to support your business outcomes, allowing you to focus on driving innovation.

Services and cloud solutions that suit your needs

Robust Cloud Software

Modern businesses require new ways to interact with customers and employees, but moving into the cloud can be a daunting exercise. Scriptex focusses on creating robust cloud based solutions for any business.

Managed Cloud Services

Azure, Amazon and Google each provide an extensive array of cloud services. We can help you set up a secure and highly available infrastructure, run your business software, or help you build new software.

Anytime anywhere interfaces

The way you do business is always evolving. Employees and customers are becoming more geographically distributed and demand working on various devices. We can help you to make your system accessible from desktop, web or mobile.

Discovery and Architecture

Let us help you understand your IT project requirements, architect a proposed system solution and get your development team started.

Current and previous projects

Identity Management

Centralised identity management forms the core of distributed architecture. We have developed several systems that combine tenancy, user management, access control and KYC into a single system.

Sales Engines

Automated sales processing provides a competitive edge in any business. We have developed sales workflow, stock management, third-party product integrations and automated GL postings for online sales, agent networks and corporate sales environments.

Transactional Wallet

Developed a high throughput store of value that enforced transaction types, personal and business wallets; synchronised with an underlying pool bank account.

Case Management

Developed a highly configurable case management system. Different sources, types, workflows and departments could process inbound customer engagements using a standardised interface.

Dynamic Mobile Interfaces

Developed mobile applications using thin client architecture with native components. App functions were driven by server-side services that allowed for real-time feature deployment without having to update client apps.


Collectively, the team at Scriptex has over 35 years of experience in Software Development, Systems Engineering and IT Systems Architecture. They have a passion for solving real world problems with technology.

Stefan Visagie


Stefan is a Software Architect & Developer with 15 years of experience in full stack development. Stefan has extensive experience in distributed systems, high concurrency systems and transactional systems.

Alessandro Mion


Having over 20 years of experience in Systems Engineering, Development and Cloud Services, Alessandro is a multi-skilled individual with a passion for new tech.

© 2020 Scriptex Technologies (Pty) Ltd